Heart Disease, Cancer, Obesity and Diabetes are among the largest contributors to health care costs as well as the leading causes death in the US. Each can often be traced back to poor lifestyle choices. Therefore, not only can we prevent these chronic diseases but we can also  manage them with diet, exercise, and holistic health awareness.

Here are 5 simple and effective tools for improving your over all health and well-being.


  • Exercise – 30-60 min daily- this does not have to be 7 days of pumping iron and hardcore aerobics. Find a little time each day to do some stretching, carry a little weight, walk around, play out side, and breathe. Relaxing and regenerating exercises like yoga, tai chi and chi gong are equally important as weights and aerobics. Restorative exercises create a quiet space in your day, which is essential for a good night sleep.
  • Sleep – 7-9 hours of sleep allows the body to recover and process the previous day as well as rest and regenerate minor stresses and injuries that happen on a daily basis. If you are not feeling refreshed upon waking or having difficulties falling or staying asleep, there is work to be done. Insomnia has many origins and is often easy to remedy.
  • Whole Foods – eat unprocessed foods that you are not allergic or sensitive to. Foods that are local and free of pesticides when possible and are low in sugar and additives (preservatives, dyes, sweeteners). A well-balanced diet high in fruits and veggies (bright colored), quality proteins (grass fed and wild animal protein), and whole grains is necessary for optimal physiologic function. Find the diet that is right for you; many ailments can be resolved with simple dietary modifications and or an elimination diet . You will have more energy, better digestion, regular bowel function and a  healthy glow.
  • Water – stay hydrated, 2-3 liters of water each day, ideally filtered. Our bodies are 98% water, it is essential for cellular function, blood volume, joint health and removal of wastes.
  • Purpose – make sure you feel loved and needed and that you feel like you are putting all of your precious energy into the right places. Be careful not to over commit and spread yourself too thin. It is our self-preservation that makes all of the above possible.

Health care means to care for your health, not merely manage your disease.

Smoothie recipe:

  • 1 cup berries
  • ½- 1 banana
  • 1/-1/2 cup of kale
  • ¼ cup almonds or 2 tbl almond or cashew butter
  • 2 tbl ground flax seeds
  • 1 scoop protein powder  (hemp or pea)
  • A pinch of cinnamon or ginger
  • 1-2 cup almond, coconut or rice milk
  • 1 tsp. honey, agave or maple syrup
  • ¼ tsp. probiotic powder (10 billion)
  • 1 scoop green food

** The smoothie can modified to taste and texture as well as for specific health goals i.e. weight loss, balancing blood sugar, energy, heart health, allergies and so on.




Remember, it’s never to late to Reset Naturally!