Dr. Rose Paisley, ND

Empowering Health and Wellness

Category: Recipes (page 1 of 2)

Tips For Optimal Wellness

Heart Disease, Cancer, Obesity and Diabetes are among the largest contributors to health care costs as well as the leading causes death in the US. Each can often be traced back to poor lifestyle choices. Therefore, not only can we prevent these chronic diseases but we can also  manage them with diet, exercise, and holistic health awareness.

Here are 5 simple and effective tools for improving your over all health and well-being.


  • Exercise – 30-60 min daily- this does not have to be 7 days of pumping iron and hardcore aerobics. Find a little time each day to do some stretching, carry a little weight, walk around, play out side, and breathe. Relaxing and regenerating exercises like yoga, tai chi and chi gong are equally important as weights and aerobics. Restorative exercises create a quiet space in your day, which is essential for a good night sleep.
  • Sleep – 7-9 hours of sleep allows the body to recover and process the previous day as well as rest and regenerate minor stresses and injuries that happen on a daily basis. If you are not feeling refreshed upon waking or having difficulties falling or staying asleep, there is work to be done. Insomnia has many origins and is often easy to remedy.
  • Whole Foods – eat unprocessed foods that you are not allergic or sensitive to. Foods that are local and free of pesticides when possible and are low in sugar and additives (preservatives, dyes, sweeteners). A well-balanced diet high in fruits and veggies (bright colored), quality proteins (grass fed and wild animal protein), and whole grains is necessary for optimal physiologic function. Find the diet that is right for you; many ailments can be resolved with simple dietary modifications and or an elimination diet . You will have more energy, better digestion, regular bowel function and a  healthy glow.
  • Water – stay hydrated, 2-3 liters of water each day, ideally filtered. Our bodies are 98% water, it is essential for cellular function, blood volume, joint health and removal of wastes.
  • Purpose – make sure you feel loved and needed and that you feel like you are putting all of your precious energy into the right places. Be careful not to over commit and spread yourself too thin. It is our self-preservation that makes all of the above possible.

Health care means to care for your health, not merely manage your disease.

Smoothie recipe:

  • 1 cup berries
  • ½- 1 banana
  • 1/-1/2 cup of kale
  • ¼ cup almonds or 2 tbl almond or cashew butter
  • 2 tbl ground flax seeds
  • 1 scoop protein powder  (hemp or pea)
  • A pinch of cinnamon or ginger
  • 1-2 cup almond, coconut or rice milk
  • 1 tsp. honey, agave or maple syrup
  • ¼ tsp. probiotic powder (10 billion)
  • 1 scoop green food

** The smoothie can modified to taste and texture as well as for specific health goals i.e. weight loss, balancing blood sugar, energy, heart health, allergies and so on.




Remember, it’s never to late to Reset Naturally!


Stay Cool, We’re Having Soup This Summer

Seriously, soup in the summer?

Yup, that’s what I said. The obvious choice is a gazpacho – cool and refreshing and full of fresh summer veggies like my Good ‘ol Gazpacho recipe. However, there are so many other lovely soups to enjoy, even hot soups in the summer. I have always been a huge soup lover. Soup is healthy, cozy, full of flavor, easy, often inexpensive to prepare and provides many meals. Another plus is that there are so many amazing recipes from around the world to be explored.

My love for soup reached a whole new appreciation several years ago when my husband and I went to Vietnam. We literally ate soup for breakfast every morning. Visualize this; it was 95 degrees, 100% humidity and about 8 am. My husband and I would peruse the streets looking for the longest Pho line (Vietnamese beef noodle soup pronounced “fa”).  The 15-minute wait would result in us bellying up to huge bowl of steaming hot aromatic bone broth that had been prepared with love and tradition for hours.

The broth was adorned with fresh thinly sliced lean beef, rice noodles, mint, basil, bean sprouts, cilantro and a lime wedge.  Then to top off this hot little serving of heaven we would throw on about 4 or 5 slices of jalapeno or some other fiery little nightshade.

What were we thinking? Not only is Pho one of the most nourishing, energy sustaining, and tastiest meals that I have ever had (and still enjoy regularly) Pho is also amazingly cooling.

How So? Continue reading

3-Day Bone Broth

3-Day Bone Broth

Bone broth is simple and can be prepared on the stove or in a crock-pot. Boiled for a few hours for 3 days in a row.

Bone broths are packed full of minerals and vitamins essential for a healthy body. Rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, collagen, amino acids and other trace minerals. Great for bones, cartilage, joints, tendons, hair, nails and mood.

Historically humans have been boiling bones for centuries, not only for the healing properties but also for economic reasons. By extracting the nutrients out of bones, one can get the health benefits of eating meat when there isn’t any meat available.

  • Use the carcass of a chicken or turkey or go out and buy the bones of beef or pork from the butcher. It is essential that the bones be from a free-range animal that has not been treated with hormones or chemical. Chemicals such as these are stored in bone, fat and marrow tissues and will be extracted when you are preparing your broth so choose a clean source.
  • Put them in a large stew pot or crock-pot with water to cover at least 2 inches over the top of the contents.
  • Add an onion, garlic, celery, carrots – I often throw in vegetable clippings from my compost pot on the counter.
  • Bring to a boil. Turn down to simmer and leave it alone.
  • Cook for 12 to 24 hours for Chicken Broth OR 24-72 hours for Beef Bone Broth. You can do this for 1-2 hours at a time when it is convenient for you over the 1-3 day period.
  • Strain all of the ingredients through a strainer and then after the large parts are removed strain again through a coffee filter or cheesecloth.
  • Refrigerate for several hours and if you desire you can skim off the fat when it is cool. Not totally necessary as the fat adds amazing flavor and texture.

You can refrigerate the broth for several days or freeze for several months. One fun tip is to freeze your broth in ice cube trays so that you have lovely broth cubes to cook with any time for extra nourishment – add to any sautéed or stove top dish or when preparing soups.

Another great opportuity to RESET NATURALLY.


Lessons From a Spring Cleanse

Nearly 2 weeks ago I started a group cleanse with a few women in my community. We were all very excited to take a little time before summer to get reconnected with our bodies, shape ourselves up for summer festivities and simply get ready for some fun celebration with food and drink and, ya know, RESET ourselves.

One thing I relearned this season was that everyone starts a cleanse with a different intention. Some want to loose weight, some want to identify a food sensitivity, some want to reduce seasonal allergies and some, like myself, want to reconnect with the food that I eat, find new recipes and remember what it’s like to say no thank you once in a while. Continue reading

White Beans and Pasta

White Beans and Pasta, enjoy with an arugula and avocado salad tossed in olive oil, lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste.

I love this recipe because it is a delicious, cozy pasta dish that is packed with nutrition. High in fiber and minerals makes this dish great for your bones.

  • 2 cups of white beans dry beans or 2 cans of beans
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1/2 cup chopped carrot
  • 1/4 cup chopped celery
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 1 14-ounce can diced tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley, divided
  • 1/4 cup of chopped fresh basil
  • 8 ounces whole-wheat fettuccine
  • 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Note: with canned goods seek out a brand that has PCB can linings. Ask your natural grocer for advice.


1. Soak beans in large stock pot for 24 hours or open can. If making form dry beans. Boil for 1 hour or until soft. Set aside.

2. Bring large stock pot of water to boil.

3. Heat oil in a medium saucepan, do not allow oil to smoke. Add onion, carrot, celery and salt; sautee until transparent, about 10 minutes. Add garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 15 seconds. Add wine; increase heat to high and boil until most of the liquid evaporates,  this usually takes about 3 to 4 minutes. Add tomatoes and their juices, 2 tablespoons parsley and the mashed beans. Bring to a lively simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened, about 6 minutes. Add the remaining whole beans; cook, stirring occasionally, until heated through, 1 to 2 minutes more.

3. Meanwhile, cook pasta in the boiling water until just tender, about 9 minutes. Stain.

4. Toss the beans, vegetables, fresh basil and pasta all together in saucepan for about 1 min over high heat. Divide into four bowls; sprinkle with Parmesan and the remaining parsley.

Favorite Reset Remedies

Some of my favorite reset remedies

  • Favorite Elixir: 1 part apple cider vinegar, 1 part ginger powder, 1 part water – mix and store – drink ½ tsp before meals. Great for heartburn too, I used this remedy a ton when I was pregnant now as needed (which is rarely when I am eating well).
  • Favorite restorative tea: rhodiola, lemon balm, maca, licorice, ginger – mix equal parts, 1 tbl/ 2 cups of water, bring water to a boil, remove from heat, add herbs and steep for 10 min. I also love Yogi teas – Women’s Energy, Detox tea and Traditional Medicinals – Everyday Detox
  • Favorite daily detox – 2tbl of ground flax/day  in apple sauce, yogurt or a smoothie, followed by a huge glass of water and for lunch a heaping plate of roasted beets and sauteed greens.
  • Favorite Exercise – Dancing with my family in the living room and doing yoga.
  • Favorite Relaxation – I rub Castor oil over my belly and soak in a hot tub with Epsom salts. I love to drink ginger tea while soaking because it cranks up the heat. Then I revive my heavy bone with a  cold rinse after. Unbelievably stimulating!
  • Favorite digestive support – Probitotics and cultured foods like kombucha, souerkrout, kimchi.
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