Currently, Dr. Rose Paisley is accepting new patients in NE Portland and in your home or remotely via Phone/Skype. Free 15 minute consults are always available to ensure a good fit.

Call for an appointment: (503) 446-4862

  • Dr. Rose relies on current research as well as 18 years of clinical practice when addressing acute and chronic conditions.
  • Dr. Rose is up to date on drug-herb-nutrient interactions – aiming for synergy and work diligently to avoid unwanted interactions.
  • She offers individualized support that incorporates the healing power of food, herbs, movement, water and homeopathy.
  • Individually and collectively,  naturopathic medicine helps her to get to the root of your concerns.
  • She strongly believes in working closely  and compassionately with her clients to help them help themselves; developing a plan that is fun, rewarding, and reasonable.
  • She encourages collaboration with family, friends and other health care providers to attain the best possible care and quality of life.
What to Expect

During your visit, Dr. Rose will take a detailed history, review and discuss your labs, provide a compassionate and comprehensive impression and offer recommendations that best suit you.

Ideally, within the first few visits you will see improvement

  • With a better understanding of your personal health and all of the options for care, you will be empowered to choose a more comprehensive and holistic approach to your health care needs.
  • Clients are asked to evaluate and address their nutrition, physical activity, environmental exposure to chemicals, mental and emotional well-being, and medications.

Many of our health care needs can be addressed with simple lifestyle changes

Common chronic illnesses such as hormonal imbalances, diabetes, heart disease, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, pain and certain cancers are often associated with diet and lifestyle. By addressing lifestyle, clients put their health first and significantly improve their quality of life.

Clients can expect improvement in energy levels, mental capacity, and emotional well-being – in addition to lower health care costs in the long run.

  • Holistic Behavioral Medicine– Develop a compassionate and individualized care plan aimed at optimizing health and wellness through diet, exercise, nutritional support, and mental and emotional wellness.
  • Naturopathic oncology for adults and children is the application of the art and science of naturopathic medicine to the field of cancer care and treatment. Works collaboratively with your Oncology team to reduce side effects of conventional cancer treatments, improve quality of live, optimize outcomes and employ prevention tools to attain health goals.
  • IV Therapy – In clinical practice, IV nutrients can provide rapid symptom relief in a wide array of situations by delivering vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream. Bypassing the digestive tract, IVs allow for a greater volume of nutrients to saturate your cells. This makes IV nutrient administration a powerful and efficient therapy for numerous health concerns.
  • Nutritional Counseling – Food as medicine continues to be one of the most powerful tools for prevention and attaining optimal energy and health. Find out which foods a re medicine and which are poison.
  • Natural Remedies/Supplements – A complimentary adjunct to your health, natural substances such as homeopathic remedies, herbs, vitamin and minerals can help to restore balance, improve health and prevent disease.
  • Detoxification and Cleansing – Participating in an allergy elimination diet for a short period of time is not only informative but also very therapeutic in proving relief for many common health issues including; allergies, pain, headaches, eczema, IBS and IBD, GERD, fatigue, depression, ADD and ADHD.
  • Explanation of current health issues – Instead of feeling under-informed and left with questions, patients can get a thorough and holistic explanation of their condition and symptoms.
  • Patient Advocacy – An opportunity to discuss concerns or difficulties that you may be experiencing with your current health care; to help bridge the communication gap between you and your local health care providers.
  • Functional Lab Impression – A unique look at your conventional lab reports  that can help patients understand functional (optimal) lab ranges and patterns that can point towards dis-ease rather than simply identifying the abnormal ranges. Further, functional ranges can indicate less obvious vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Remote Consultation

The purpose of this type of practice is to provide consultation and support to clients remotely who do not have access to a ND that is specialized in Integrative Oncology in their area.

After several years of providing outpatient primary care, Dr. Rose found that the majority of her time was spent interviewing and educating her patients, getting to know them and building relationships with them and their families. Patients find that is easily accomplished and maintained with email and over the phone.

It makes sense to offer long distance care and consult directly with patients in the comfort of their own homes.

Your path to wellness starts here! Please schedule an appointment today. (503) 446-4862