“At any point, when you feel inspired to start a safe and healthy cleanse that is so very manageable and completely satisfying, do not hesitate to contact me.”

Dr. Paisley

Why Do We Need to Detox?

  • More than 75, 000 synthetic chemicals in use ie. Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, Benzenes (exhaust, wood smoke), BPDEs  -polybrominated diphenyl ethers (flames retardants), Phthalates (plastic softeners), PCBs polychlorinated biphenyl – industrial oils (stored in foods), BPA  – board), Acrolein (wood smoke, exhaust), Dioxins (burning and heating chlorine – paper mills, land fills), Pesticides (home, garden, produce), Benzo – A – pyrene (wood smoke, exhaust)
  • The EPA reports that the Average American consumes four pounds of Pesticides/year.
  • A growing body of evidence points to increased toxicity as a causative factor in many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease, allergies, obesity, asthma, birth defects, neurological disorders, endocrine disorders and skin problems.
  • More than 3,000 chemical additives are found in the foods we eat.
  • Toxins in our bodies are stored in fatty tissue. Evidence suggests that the inflammation created may be making it difficult to loose weight.
  • A wide range of symptoms, such as, headaches, fatigue, pains, coughs, gastrointestinal problems and immune dysfunction can all be related to toxicity.

What are the Benefits?

Clinically, this program has demonstrated the following results:

  • Weights loss of 5-15 lbs
  • Decreased aches and pains
  • Decreased fluid retention
  • Decreased allergy symptoms including asthma severity and reactivity
  • Decrease gastrointestinal discomfort
  • Discovery of food sensitivities

The 21 day RESET cleanse is intended to support the five systems of elimination, our emunctories. These are the organs of elimination and detoxification that are burdened everyday with an excess of chemicals, inflammatory foods and stress. Humans and animals are exposed to low doses of chemicals over time and the exponential accumulation up the food chain results in a “body burden” that reaches a threshold unique to each of us.

In order to access the bodies own “natural healing force” – as Hippocrates referrers to the innate physiologic drive for balance, homeostasis and optimal health – one must identify and remove the obstacles to cure (those that can be controlled). Therefore, by supporting the liver, lungs, bowel, kidneys, lymphatics and skin with optimal nourishment, water, and movement, you can create an internal environment that promotes a healthy metabolism, immune function, GI function, hormone function and more efficient removal of wastes.

It is always nice to set an intention prior to starting any new project, here are some goals that might resonate with you too!

  • To be fully present with meals and my connection to those around me.
  • To gain a greater awareness of my relationship with coffee.
  • To rebuild my energy stores with a daily breathing and yoga practice.
  • To live with an aware, accepting and compassionate heart.
  • To recognize the internal dialogue when I “can’t eat something”.

Peace in health!