Gardening – A Prescription For Health
Hi there, welcome to Natures Cures Clinic, how can I can I help you today? Oh, what’s that you say? Those seasonal allergies, tension head aches, achy joints and muscles, fussy digestive system, excess fatigue, slowly rising cholesterol and blood pressure, and the few extra pounds that have crept up this winter have been bothering you?
Well, fret no more. I have just the thing for you, I want you to get into the dirt and plant some vegetables, herbs and flowers. Oh, you’re concerned about side effects? Well, you may experience more productivity, feel peaceful, rejuvenated, proud, and restored. I also expect with in three months of 30-60 minutes per day that your blood pressure and cholesterol will come down a bit, you immune system to be stronger, you will have lost a few pounds, your headaches will decrease, and your overall energy and sense of well being will have improved. The long-term effects should include a deeper connection to the earth and your food, and increased consumption of veggies, and stress reduction. I know, pretty great medicine isn’t it!
Truly Preventative
Currently obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer are among the most likely causes of death in our country. These conditions are also among the largest contributors to health care costs and can all be reduced, alleviated and often treated with lifestyle changes.