Below I have offered a Link to a great article from the Huffington Post that presents an excellent case as well as some needed clarification regarding homeopathy. Often when I tell people that I am a naturopathic physician their reply is, “Oh, you mean like homeopathy?”
At that point I realize that I have some explaining to do. I often feel a little nervous and a little giddy, I mostly see it is a teaching opportunity and a way of spreading the good word about Naturopathy. However, I also know that I must be calm, clear and poignant, as my explanation could easily provoke many preconceived notions about natural medicine. Luckily, the majority of Americans are hungry for a better understanding as well as greater access to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and so more often than not, people are excited about what I do professionally.
Naturopathic medical students have many opportunities to be extremely well versed in homeopathy during their 4-5 year training (longer if they add Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Midwifery as well as many other specialities to their bag of tricks). At the very lease, however, students are required to have 1 year of homeopathic training in that 4-5 post graduate program, as it is a cornerstone of natural medicine. Homeopathy is the least invasive, most elusive and often, one of our most powerful therapies.
I hope you enjoy the link below! Remember, it’s never to late to RESET naturally!
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